Saturday, October 29, 2011

64 - Gnaden Falls 79-70 To West Lafayette (1-28-64)

WEST LAFAYETTE - Gnadenhutten (5-12) battled all the way here Tuesday night only to lose a decision to tough West Lafayette (9-3).  The Indians, falling behind 9-0 at the outset, rallied and trailed only 20-14 at the 1st stop.  They kept pecking away at the Generals' lead and finally went ahead 38-37 at intermission.  After 3 periods the count was  knotted 56-all.  But, superior board work and a tight press ondefense gave the General the victory.  The Tribe of Coach Oren Thompson, rapidly improved over the early weeks of the season, played without high-scoring Gene Bates who has a chipped bone in his ankle.  He was resting in  an effort to be ready by tournament time.  Freshman Bill Kohl paces theTribe with 18 points, sharing  game  honors with Generals Warne and Hostetler.  Bruce Kohl, a cousin and  Don Garrett both got 14.  Medley, McCrea and Shivers all popped in 13 for West Lafayette.  Gnadenhutten hit on 29 of 74 action shots for 40 percent and made 12 of 24 free tosses.  West Lafayette was 34 of 74 for 46 percent and 9 of 18.  The Indians led in rebounds until the fial frame and actually pulled deown 51 to 46 for the Generals.  Larry Rentsch nestled in 17 and Bruce Kohl 13.  Reserve game no reported.


Roger Warne 9-0-18
Medley 5-3-13
McCrea 5-3-13
Don Shivers 6-1-13
Jeff Hostetler 9-0-18
Warner 1-2-4


Bill Kohl 9-0-18
Larry Rentsch 2-4-10
Bruce Kohl 7-0-14
Terry Huebner 3-2-8
Gary Rice 2-2-6
Don Garrett 5-4-14

Wednesday, January 29, 1964
Ray Williams, Gnaden High Junior
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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