Friday, October 28, 2011

64 - Augusta Beats Back Baltic 83-76 (1-25-64)

BALTIC - Augusta sent Baltic (0-14) reeling to its 14th straight season defeat here Saturday night.  The Stan Berkman-coached Eagles equaled their high point total of the season and led a few times in the 1st quarter.  They trailed only 24-22 at the 1st stop and 46-34 at intermission.  From then on it was all Augusta.  Junior Keith Miller came through with 27 points, the highest single game output for an  Eagle this season, to share scoring laurels with Augusta's Paul Berry.  Teammate Gus Regula, also a Junior, drilled through 26 markers.  Tim  Richardson added 12 as Baltic got its best balanced attack of the  campaign.  Baltic's Reserves (2-10) gave the fans something to cheer about, winning their 2nd game of the season, this time over the Augusta Reserves.  The score was 54-38.  Rich Richardson burned the nets for 18 points to lead the attack.  Teammate Jim Lane added 16.


Terry Locke 3-1-7
D. Michaels 12-1-25
Breault 0-1-1
Bob Gray 0-4-4
Cooper 1-2-4
Paul Berry 11-5-27
Carl Michaels 5-5-15


Keith Miller 13-1-27
Tom Meitzler 0-2-2
Gus Regula 10-6-26
Jerry Schlarb 1-4-6
Bob Hummel 0-1-1
Tim Richardson 6-0-12
Gordon Bontreger 1-0-2

Monday, January 27, 1964
Elaikne Stantz, Baltic High Junior
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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