Saturday, March 5, 2011

60 - Midvale Pins Scio 88-69 (1-13-60)

SCIO - Midvale's Blue Devils (6-5) kept moving in the right direction here last night with a victory over the Scio Panthers. A giant 37-point second quarter played a major role in the decision. Ahead 11-8 at the end of the opening stanza, Midvale poured on the steam to take a huge 48-20 margin at intermission. Scio trailed 60-38 at the 3-quarter mark and then outscored the invaders 31 to 19 in the fourth period. All starters hit double figures for Midvale with Ron Breniser high with 24 points. Phillips led Scio with 20. The Scio Reserves pawed their way to a 46-37 victory over the Midvale Reserves (5-7).
Ron Kaderly 4-2-10
Warren Leggett 4-2-10
Ron Breniser 7-10-24
Neal Beans 9-0-18
Roger Swinderman 6-1-17
Jim Tedrick 1-1-3
Rick Belknap 2-0-4
Mike Page 1-0-2
Mackey 0-0-0
Leonard DeMatti0 0-0-0
Amos 6-5-17
Phillips 6-8-20
;Burrier 0-0-0
Peterson 1-0-2
Logan 7-2-16
Carpenter 7-0-14
Wednesday, January 13, 1960
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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