Tuesday, March 8, 2011

60 - Midvale Holds Gnaden To 5 Points 1st Quarter In 60-53 Win (1-23-60)

Midvale (4-2) (7-6) put the Gnadenhutten Indians (3-4) (9-6) on the ropes in the early minutes of the contest to race out in front 22-5 in the first period. It then took the invaders almost 3 quarters to get back in the game as the two battled on all but even terms until the final minutes. It wasn't until the fading minutes of the final period that Gnaden suddenly came alive to move within 5 points. Midvale led 33-20 and 48-32 at the second and third period stops. Gnaden then narrowed the gap to 58-53 before Midvale steadied to control the ball enough to gain the precious win. The victory gave Midvale revenge for an earlier 70-68 loss at Gnaden. Ron Breniser led the victors with 20 points, while Warren Leggett hit 18 and Neal Beans had 17. Beans was the big man in the final and desperate fourth stanza, pulling down important rebounds and hitting 10 points. John Hall hit 16 for Gnadenhutten, while RonClark andCarl Dichler each hit 13 points. The Midvale Reserves (6-8) also won their game over the Gnadenhutten Reserves (6-9) 37-20.
Ron Kaderly 1-0-2
Warren Leggett 7-4-18
Ron Breniser 8-4-20
Neal Beans 6-5-17
Roger Swinderman 1-1-3
John Hall 7-2-16
Ray Rank 3-0-6
Ron Clark 5-3-13
Bill Blickensderfer 2-1-5
Carl Dichler 6-1-13
Ed Crites 0-0-0
Saturday, January 23, 1960
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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