Monday, March 7, 2011

60 - Tusky Pins 65-52 Loss On Malvern (1-20-60)

TUSCARAWAS - Tuscarawas' Broncos (6-5) found the winning combination again last night after some hectic weeks as they belted Malvern. A big 1-2 punch was provided by Gary Caviness and Duffy Summers as they combined to tally 51 points. Caviness hit 29 points and Summers tallied 22. Tom Romano led Malvern with 23 points. The Broncos edged in front 16-13 in the first period and were loading 29-20 at halftime. A big 20-point outburst in the third bommed Tusky in fron 49-29 after three periods. The Tusky Reserves (11-0) rolled on again by blowing away the Malvern Reserves 53-20.
Gary Caviness 14-1-29
Chip McCahill 2-3-7
Johnson 1-1-3
Duffy Summers 9-4-22
Bill Meese 1-2-4
Dean Kerns 0-0-0
Rainsburg 0-0-0
Curlen Andrews 2-0-4
Tom Romano 10-3-23
Leggett 4-3-11
Barrick 0-0-0
Gause 0-2-2
Miller 5-2-12
Wednesday, January 20, 1960
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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