Saturday, March 5, 2011

60 - Baltic Defeats Keene 52-48 (1-13-60)

KEENE - Baltic (7-6), which has played hit and run with the .500 mark all season, was back over it again today. The Eagles held leads of 9-7 and 22-17 at the end of the first 2 periods before falling behind 39-36 at the end of the third quarter. They rallied for 17 points in the final stanza to cop the victory. Guard Dave Berger, who injured his nose in the Garaway game last weekend, seemed to find no end to troubles with the injury. He reinjured it last night with the stitches being knocked out midway in the second period. He was agaikn relegated to bench duty. But Charles McPherson stepped in and turned in a fine performance, adding to the point and rebounding departments for the victors. Coach Jim Weinsz considered the defensive play of Gary Gerber as another big cog in the win. Gerber limited Keene point ace Larry Parkhill to one free throw in the first half. Parkhill ended the night with 14 to lead the Keene scoring. John Rice topped the Eagles with 14 markers and Gerber added 12. Baltic made 22 of 57 shots from the field, while Keene meshed 21 of 57. Earlier, the Keene Reserves had beaten the Baltic Reserves (11-2) 39-34.
John Rice 6-2-14
Charles McPherson 3-1-7
Gary Gerber 6-0-12
Bob Ladrach 2-5-9
Dave Berger 1-1-3
Larry Lautenschleger 5-0-10
Larry Parkhill 6-2-14
Horn 5-3-13
Leavengood 5-1-11
Kiser 1-0-2
Walter Karr 3-0-6
Ward Karr 0-0-0
Lower 1-0-2
Wednesday, January 13, 1960
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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