Wednesday, September 21, 2011

63 - Make It 2 In A Row As Strasburg Falls To East Canton 47-45 (1-26-63)

EAST CANTON - Strasburg's Tigers (10-3) were tamed for the 2nd consecutive night here Saturday, falling to East Canton (5-8) on a shot with one second left  to play in the game.  Coach Warren Binder's club, which led 15-11 and 21-17 at the first 2 stops fell behind 34-33 going into the final frame.  The Tigers and Hornets battled back and forth until Bob Farnsworth hit from far out.  "This is a much better team than the scores of this game and the Tuscarawas Valley contest indicate," Binder said.  "The boys are doing their best.  I'm very proud of them.  I am positive that if all the boosters of Strasburg pull together and show their support this team will bounce back."  Farnsworth paced the winning attack, getting 15 points.  Jim Barrick got 10.  Adrian Edie was the big gun for the Tigers,  racking up 17 tallies.  John Peters, Strasburg's leading scorer this season with 202 markers going into Saturday's clash, got only 4 for his lowest output of the campaign.  East Canton registered a 42 to 36 edge in rebounds.  The Strasburg Reserves (12-1) blew away the East Canton  Reserves 53-31.


Bob Farnsworth 7-1-15
Crumrine 2-3-7
Jim Barrick 3-4-10
Burkhart 3-0-6
DeHoff 1-1-3
Pustay 1-4-6


Rock Van Fossen 2-3-7
Vic Gessner 3-3-9
Don Wallick 2-2-6
Joe Aul 1-0-2
John Peters 2-0-4
Adrian Edie 6-5-17

Monday, January 28, 1963
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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