Sunday, July 3, 2011

62 - Port Washington Wallops Newcomerstown 57-44 (12-12-61)

PHOTO:  Port Washington Purple Riders Junior - Paul Schwab

PORT WASHINGTON - Trailing 21-8 after the first quarter, Port Washington (3-2) came alive during the final 3 quarters to turn back Newcomerstown last night at the Purple Rider gymnasium.  The Riders started without 3 regulars who also missed the Baltic game last week, but the trio was inserted in the second quarter.  Apparently unhappy about being benchwarmers, the trio then sparked the Riders to their victory.  Sidelined because of disciplinary reasons, Alvin Fillman got back in the lineup and netted 14 points.  Tom Loader returned for 10 points and Tony Nigro got 7.  Ken Gay of Port also contributed 10 points.  Butch Williams led Newcomerstown with 16 points.  The loss was the third straight for the Trojans.  In the Reserve game, Newcomerstown beat Port Washington (3-1) 39-27.


Paul Schwab 1-3-5
Tom Loader 5-0-10
Larry Laisure 2-5-9
Tony Nigro 1-5-7
Ken Gay 5-0-10
Jeff Quillen 1-0-2
Alvin Fillman 7-0-14


Butch Williams 5-6-16
Gary Grimm 3-0-6
Ernie Art 2-1-5
John Berg 1-4-6
Gunn 4-1-9
Zimmerman 0-2-2

Wednesday, December 13, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio


1.  Midvale Blue Devils 1-0 (5-1)
2.  Gnadenhutten Indians 1-0 (4-1)
3.  Baltic Eagles 1-0 (2-3)
4.  Tuscarawas Broncos 1-0 (1-4)
5.  Strasburg Tigers 0-0 (2-2)
6.  Garaway Pirates 0-1 (4-1)
7.  Port Washington 0-1 (3-2)
8.  Stone Creek Panthers 0-1 (1-3)
9.  Tuscarawas Valley Trojans 0-1 (0-2)

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