Saturday, July 16, 2011

62 - Midvale Routs Lakland 73-50 (1-16-62)

FREEPORT - Their 11th victory safely stashed away, Midvale's Blue Devils (11-2) were preping their machine for the important Tuscarawas invasion today, fresh from a victory over Lakeland Tuesday evening.  The Devils of Coach Pete Hilliard got off to a good start against the lads from Freeport way last night, moving to a 13-5 first quarter advantage and then bolding for the win.  The charges of Coach Steve Dishauzi were seriously weakened before the first quarter was over; however, as scoring ace Cal Mallarnee committed his fourth personal.  He sat out the final 2 minutes of the stanza and all of the second before coming back to finish the game.  Midvale led 33-22 at the half after a Lakeland rally and was in front 49-31 going into the final stanza when the Devils waxed hot and the reserves took over.  Walt Weaver led a line balanced attack for the victors with 17 points, while Neal Beans potted 16, Dean DeMattio 14 and Bob Byers 12.  Mike Milarcik led Lakeland with 14, while C. Mallarnee had 10.  Midvale, which lost at Conotton Valley on Saturday when it shot miserably from the foul  line, again found a little trouble with free throws, canned 21 of 32 chances, while Lakeland netted 20 of 28 attempted.  In the Reserve game, Midvale (12-1) fought back Lakeland 65-52.


Neal Beans 7-2-16
Walt Weaver 8-1-17
Mike Page 2-4-8
Bob Byers 4-4-12
Jim Tidrick 1-0-2
Gary DeMattio 3-5-11
Rick Belknap 0-1-1


C. Mallarnee 2-6-10
Costello 4-0-8
Laughlin 0-1-1
Mike Milarcik 5-4-14
Todd 2-2-6
D. Mallarnee 2-4-8
Kiney 4-1-9

Wednesday, January 17, 1962
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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