Monday, July 11, 2011

62 - Midvale Clips Strasburg 46-31 (1-5-62)

STRASBURG - Strasburg's Tigers (1-2) (4-5) throttled high-scoring Neal Beans and Rick Belknap, but couldn't find the offensive spark to pull out the victory.  Beans netted only 8 points and Belknap just 5, but Dean DeMattio took up the slack and pumped in 10 points for Pete Hilliard's Blue Devils (4-0) (9-1).  Only Jim Clymer was able to dent double figures for the Tigers, connecting on 6 field goals for 12 points.  Midvale had trouble with the Tigers in the first quarter, managing to outscore the hosts only 11-8.  A strong second quarter put them ahead 21-14 at intermission and it was almost over, 34-25, after 3 quarters of play.  The Blue Devils put the game in the victory column at the foul line where they canned 14 of 23 shots.  Strasburg shot only 7 times from the charity stripe and connected on just 3.  Midvale shot 29 percent from the field, making 16 of 56 attempts.   Strasburg meshed 14 of 54 for 26 percent.  The Midvale Reserves (9-1) fought off the Strasburg Reserves (1-8) 38-31.


Neal Beans 4-0-8
Rick Belknap 2-1-5
Dean DeMattio 3-4-10
Walt Weaver 3-0-6
Mike Page 1-0-2
Bob Byers 3-3-9


Jim Clymer 6-0-12
Adrian Edie 4-1-9
Vic Gessner 0-1-1
Don Wallick 2-0-4
John Peters 2-1-5

Saturday, January 6, 1962
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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