Friday, July 8, 2011

62 - Stone Creek Falls To Undefeated St. Joe 83-56 (12-27-61)

PHOTO:  HIGH-LEVEL ACTION - A good deal of last night's cage action in the second annual Newcomerstown Holiday Tournament took place off the floor with cagers leaping high for the rebounds and shots.  At the left, St. Joseph's co-captain Jack Evans (50), who netted 22 points last night, goes up for a rebound.  Bob Hamilton (11) of Stone Creek and Bill Held (30) of St. Joseph's are nearby.

NEWCOMERSTOWN - This game came easily for the Dover St. Joseph's Ramblers (6-0) last night as they caught fire in the third quarter to crush Stone Creek (2-6).  Sparked by double-figure scoring from 4 of the starters, St. Joseph's squelched the stubborn Panthers with a hot-shooting, diversified attack.  The Ramblers raced out to a 5-0 lead.  Jack Evans doing all of the honors, before Stone Creek got on the scoreboard on a basket by Cliff Endlich.  St. Joseph's led 17-8 at the first quarter stop and 42-30 at the half.  Stone Creek moved to within 11 points, 47-36, early in the third period, but the Ramblers pumped in 19 points, while holding the Panthers to just 3 points to wrap up another victory for Coach Art Teynor.  Tom Young, the county's leading scorer, was again the  high point man for St. Joseph's, meshing 27 points.  All but 3 of his points came in the middle quarters.  Evans, who is beginning to find the range, pumped in 22 points.  Nick Pace had 14 counters and Jerry Rieger 10 to round out the double-figure scorers.  Coach Ken Lawhun had 3 Panthers in double-figures, topped by Cliff Endlich with 15 points.  Bob Hamilton netted 13 and Curly Endlich 10.  Another hot shooting night helped the Ramblers in quest of their victory.  They connected on 32 of 70 action shots for 44.4 percent.  Stone Creek made only 15 of 54 for 28 percent.  The Panthers had a particularly cold 5 for 30 in the second half.  The Ramblers made 19 of 25 at the bonus line, paced by Young who had a perfect 7 for 7.  Stone Creek made 26 of 37 charity pitches.


Jerry Rieger 4-2-10
Bill Held 3-0-6
Jack Evans 8-6-22
Tom Young 10-7-27
Nick Pace 6-2-14
Richards 1-0-2
Lammers 0-2-2


Bob Hamilton 4-7-15
Jim Billman 2-3-7
Verle Endlich 3-4-10
Cliff Endlich 6-3-15
Don McAfee 0-1-1
Ed Wallace 0-3-3
Jerry Lahmers 0-5-5

Thursday, December 28, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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