Sunday, August 21, 2011

63 - Toth Resigns Port Position (6-4-62)

PHOTO:  Salem-Washington Schools Superintendent - John P. Toth Jr.

PORT WASHINGTON - John P. Toth Jr., superintendent of Salem-Port Washington schools the last 5 years, submitted his resignation Monday night during the regular meeting of the Board of Education.  Toth has accepted a teaching fellowship at Ohio University where he plans to complete work on a doctor's degree.  He received a bachelor degree in Education there in 1949 and a master's degree there in 1950.  Prior to accepting the Port Washington post, Toth served as a coach at Conneaut-Rowe elementary and science teacher in the Euclid City system and high school principal at Springfield.  Toth is presently serving as President of the Tuscarawas County Athletic Association, Chairman of the County school elementary reading committee, a salary committee, and Vice President of the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce.  He is a member  of numerous education associations.  At Ohio University, Toth will be associated with the Ohio Uuniversity Center for educational Services which is concerned with educational research and school surveys.

Tuesday, June 5, 1962
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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