Saturday, August 13, 2011

62 - Midvale Rallies To Top Baltic 6-5 (5-7-62)

BALTIC - Midvale's sharp pitching turned a bit rusty Monday at Baltic (2-4) before the Devils (5-2) came alive to pull defeat from the proverbial fire.  Trailing 5-1 going into the last inning, Midvale's youngsters rallied back to plate 5 big runs and take home a 6-5 triumph.  Jim Anderson (2-0) started for the Devils, but Baltic touched him for 4 runs in the third inning for a commanding lead, although getting but one hit in the frame.  The Eagles pushed across another after Midvale had tallied once to make it 5-1 at the end of 4.  A pair of walks followed by a pinch double by Henry Tucker opened the crucial seventh inning for Midvale, followed by consecutive singles by Tom McPherson, Tom Mackey and Beans to spark the uprising.  Each of the latter also had previous singles.  Stein and Mullet pounded out triples for the Eagles and Huprich had 2 safeties.

Stein (B) 3B (1)
Willis Mullet (B) 3B (2)
Henry Tucker (M) 2B (1)
Tom McPherson (M) 1B 2 (4)
Tom Mackey (M) 1B 2 (2)
Neal Beans (M) 1B 2 (5)
Huprich (B) 1B 2 (3)

Tuesday, May 8, 1962
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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