Wednesday, August 10, 2011

62 - Strasburg Rips Tuscarawas 9-6 (4-26-27)

STRASBURG - Strasburg's Tigers (5-3) stretched their record Thursday as they topped Tuscarawas (1-4) in a game on Thursday.  Suffering from injuries and Illnesses, Coach Pete Angelo's club had its troubles before it pulled the game out of the fire in the sixth inning on a Grand Slam Home Run by Ron Lab.  Lab's round-tripper came when the Tigers were trailing 6-5.  Jim Clymer (3-3) started on the mound for Strasburg, but came up with arm trouble and left the game in the second inning after giving up 2 runs and one hit.  Bob Mills (1-0), a freshman, then came on and gave up 4 runs, all in the second inning and just 3 hits the rest of the game.  All 4 runs in the second by Tuscarawas were unearned.  Lab added a pair of singles to his homer to lead the Tigers.  Jim Ecenbarber and Adrian Edie each added a pair of hits.  Fred Burmich topped Tuscarawas with 2 singles.

Ron Lab (S) HR (1)
Ron Lab (S) 1B 2 (4)
Jim Ecenbarber (S) 1B 2 (2)
Adrian Edie (S) 1B 2 (2)
Fred Burmich (T) 1B 2 (3)

Friday, April 27, 1962
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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