Thursday, August 18, 2011

62 - Strasburg Tops Garaway 6-3 (5-17-62)

STRASBURG - The Strasburg Tigers baseballers (7-6) were looking back on the 6th inning as mighty lucky this morning for it was in the 6th that they came up with 6 runs to defeat Garaway (5-6) yesterday.  Garaway scored single runs in the 2nd and 3rd to take a 2-0 lead, but the Tigers of Strasburg broke it open in the 6th with a big uprising, highlighted by Rock Van Fossen's triple.  Jim Clymer (4-0) worked all the way for Strasburg and gave up just 4 hits.  He fanned 9 batters and walked 4.  Dan Bleininger (3-4) took the  loss.  He gave up 6 hits, fanned 9 and walked 3.  Bleininger was the big man at tahe plate for the Pirates with a double and single.

Rock Van Fossen (S) 3B (1)
Dan Bleininger (GP) 2B (4)
Dan Bleininger (GP) 1B (4)

Friday, May 18, 1962
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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