Friday, January 6, 2012

65 - Tuslaw Wins In Overtime At Zoarville 56-52 (2-13-65)

ZOARVILLE - Tuscarawas Valley (4-14) bowed out of regular season play on a sour note here Saturday night, falling to Tuslaw in overtime.  Harold Swinford sank a pair of fouls near the final buzzer to give the Trojans new life and he also led the way in the extra period with a goal and 2 charities.  The game was nip-and-tuck all the way, Tuslaw leading 13-12 at the 1st stop and 39-38 after 3 periods and TV holding a 28-26 halftime margin.  Tusky Valley made just 18 of 54 action attempts for 33 percent and 16 of 27 fouls.  Tuslaw was 23 of 78 for 38 percent and 10 of 22 , respectively.  Bob Burris paced the Trojans with 20 points and also led the way in rebounds, grabbing 16.  Swinford ended with 10 markers.  The Tuslaw Reserve team won going away 45-30 over the Tuscarawas Valley Reserves (7-9).


Benson 3-0-6
Jim Hoffman 5-1-11
Beckie 4-4-12
Jack Brenner 3-0-6
Bob Fox 4-0-8
Hawk 1-2-4
Kerr 3-3-9


Bob Burris 6-8-20
Harold Swinford 2-6-10
Chuck Fishley 4-1-9
Fred Clugston 3-0-6
Terry Hay 3-0-6
Rob Locker 0-1-1

Monday, February 15, 1965
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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