Saturday, January 28, 2012

65 - Gnaden Boys In Track Win (4-14-65)

In a race to the wire, Merle Mullet of Hiland narrowly defeats Francis Krantz of Gnadenhutten in the 220-year dash.

Hiland's Art Miller successfully surmounts the high jump bar at 5 feet 6 inches to chalk up one of 7 Hawk firsts.

Vic Turner of Stone Creek finishes far ahead of the field in winning the 440-year dash.

Mike Cohen of Gnadenhutten led the Tribe to victory in yesterday afternoon's quadrangular meet in New Philadelphia's Quaker Stadium.  He was the Indians' only double individual winner, placing 1st in both the half mile and mile runs.

NEW PHILADELPHIA - Depth proved the difference for Gnadenhutten High's track team yesterday afternoon in Quaker Stadium.  It was enough to offset a parade of 1st place finishes by Hiland and gave the Indians a 4-point edge over the Hawks in winning a quadrangular meet.  The four team results were:

Gnadenhutten Indians 48.5
Hiland Hawks 44.5
Port Washington Purple Riders 34
Stone Creek Panthers 21

Gnadenhutten, led by Mike Cohen's wins in the 880-yard and mile runs, garnered 3 less blue ribbons than Hiland, which finished with 7.  Ron Crites' top shot was added to a winning clocking in the mile relay, a team comprised of Dan Jinks, Bill Kadi and John and Ron Parrish.  But it was 4 seconds, 6 thirds and 3 fourths that enabled the Tribe to nip the Hawks.  Hiland, which is sponsoring a track team for the 1st time, had a pair of double individual winners in Merle Mullet and Ronny Troyer.  Mullet captured the 100 and 220-yard dashes and Troyer the low and high hurdle events.  Art Miller leaped 5 feet 8 inches in the broad jump for other Hawk firsts.  Rounding out Hiland's first-place effort was the winning 880-yard relay team comprised of Phillips, Mullet, Lyle Raber and Tom Mullet.  Vic Turner and John Feller won the 440-yard dash and discus, respectively, for Stone Creek, while Port Washington's Dan Gay captured the pole vault.

100-YARD DASH - Mullet (H)
A. Miller (H)
Jinks (G)
Wherley (S)
Time 11.1 Seconds

880-YARD RUN - Cohen (G)
Wherley (S)
McCann (P)
Peepers (P)
Time 2:18.3 Minutes

MILE RUN - Cohen (G)
Fillman (P)
Hawk (S)
Brink (S)
Time 5:07.9 Minutes

880-YARD RELAY - Hiland (Phillips, Raber, T. Mullet, M. Mullet)
Port Washington
Time 1:41.4 Minutes

220-YARD DASH - Mullet (H)
Krantz (G)
Stephens (P)
Kail (G)
Time 26.1 Seconds

LOW HURDLES - Troyer (H)
Gay (P)
Fillman (P) and Downing (G) (Tie)
Sculley (H)
Time 23.9 Seconds

Swarten (H)
Downing (G)
Hisrich (S)
No Time

MILE RELAY - Gnadenhutten (Jinks, Kadri, J. Parrish, R. Parrish)
Stone Creek
Port Washington
Time 4:04.3

SHOT PUT - Crites (G)
Gay (P)
Kohl (G)
Cappell (P)
Distance 40 Feet 10 Inches

HIGH JUMP - A. Miller (H)
Gay (P)
Krantz (G)
Kail (G)
Height 5 Feet 6 Inches

Brady (G)
Brink (S)
No Height Listed

DISCUS - Feller (S)
Cappell (P)
Crites (G)
Mast (H)
No Distance Listed

BROAD JUMP - Phillips (H)
Parrish (G)
Jinks (G)
Stephens (P)
Distance 17 Feet 8 Inches

440-YARD DASH - Turner (S)
Bender (P)
K. Miller (H)
Parrish (G)
Time 57.7 Seconds

Thursday, April 15, 1965
Norm Singleton, Staff Writer
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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