Thursday, January 12, 2012

65 - Dennison St. Mary Blasts Baltic 66-53 (2-27-65)

PHOTO:  St. Mary Freshman sensation Tom Crosswhite gets set to fire in a 2-pointer despite the efforts of Baltic defenders Bob Hummel (10) and Keith Miller.  Blue Wave Dan Angelozzi blocks out Eagles Ron Maurer.

NEW PHILADELPHIA - St. Mary's troubles with Baltic (4-15) were nil; although the final tally showed just 13 points difference.  The Blue Waves (15-4) were rolling along with a 60-35 bulge at 3:42 of the final frame when Coach Paul Drotobick "called off his dogs" and sent an entirely new team into the game.

Baltic, realizing it didn't have the personnel to match St. Mary in a typical game, tried to do what any team would when faced with the same situation...use a control offense.  It worked only briefly; however.  Tom Bellville gave the Eagles their only lead of the night at 6:59 when he dropped a free throw through the nets after being fouled when a Blue Wave tried to steal the ball.  The Waves then put on a full-court press, picked off some Eagle passes and hit on their first 4 field goal attempts for an 8-1 advantage.  Freshmen whiz Tom Crosswhite added a foul to the string before Bellville got Baltic's initial goal of the night at 3:12.  Crosswhite, Ralph Douglass, Bob Franz and Dan Angelozzi all found the range in the early spurt.  St. Mary went on to post quarter margins of 18-8, 35-19 and 44-29.  Crosswhite, 6-5, led all scorers with 18 points.  Franz and Douglass ended with 16 and 15, respectively.  Jeff Schlarb paced Rick Polczynski's Eagles with 17, all but 3 coming in the 2nd half.  Keith Miller contributed 15.  The Waves outrebounded the Eagles 35-16.  Crosswhite proving his worth under the boards by grabbing 16.  Franz, 6-4, snared 9.  Miller pulled in 6.  St. Mary, "Drotovick's Demons," fired in 27 of 48 action attempts, a blistering 56 percent.  It made 12 of 23 charities.  Baltic was 16 of 42 for 38 percent and 21 of 26, respectively.  Baltic finishes its final season in history 4-16.  It merges with Garaway next school term.


Tom Crosswhite 6-6-18
Ralph Douglass 6-3-15
Bob Franz 7-2-16
Dan Angelozzi 3-0-6
Dave Fox 0-0-0
Casimir 2-0-4
LaMonte 0-1-1
Carter 0-0-0
Simonetti 0-0-0
Bonaduce 1-0-2
Tolloty 0-0-0
Bracone 2-0-4


Keith Miller 5-5-15
Jeff Schlarb 5-7-17
Gus Regula 3-3-9
Bob Hummel 0-0-0
Tim Richardson 0-0-0
Lane 0-0-0
Rich Richardson 0-1-1

Monday, March 1, 1965
Dan Kopp, Sports Editor
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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