Sunday, January 15, 2012

65 - Down The Line With Dan Kopp

DOVER - Congratulations to Dennison and Conotton Valley for winning District Basketball Tournament berths.  Speaking  of the tournaments, Tuscarawas County and area fans undoubtedly saw 2 of the finest Sectionals in the state the past few days.  Seldom have there been so many fine games.  And how about that Dennison St. Mary-Conotton Valley thriller Friday!  I commend the coaches, Paul Drotovick of the Blue Waves and Errol Jacobs of the Rockets and the players on both teams for a clean, hard tussle.  The fans, too, acted like true sportsmen.  In fact, fans were involved in only one or 2 minor scuffles during the entire tournaments.  Well done, folks!  I thought 6-5 Freshman Tom Crosswhite did a fabulous job for the Blue Waves.  The youngster displayed the poise of a battle-scarred veteran under pressure.  He was the "happiest boy alive" when his foul shot gave St. Mary a one-point lead with a second left in  regulation time.  And allthough he was called for fouling Rocket Greg Kurtz who tied up the game, he shook off the effects of the call and continued to sink several pressure shots.  The Waves should indeed by proud of the lad.  W. E. Laws of the single Class A test did a fine job.  Few gripes were heard.  One thing I liked about the double A Sectional was the idea to have the playing floor roped off at the half and after the games.  Dover did this during the regular season and it works well, keeping the fans in their seats where they belong.  This especially helps me when I go to set up a picture.  That way I don't have to "fight" the crowd.

Dennison must be tagged the most underrated team in the tournament.  The Railroaders, sporting a 10-8 regular season mark, now are 13-8 and have played some inspired ball.  This is especially true of Jerry Millburn who joined the team late in January and has scored 102 points in 3 games and pulled down about 13 rebounds per game.  Probably no one was  more unhappy than Garaway's Jim Young.  A 5-9 Junior, Young suffered from blood poisoning in his leg as a result of a blister on his foot and sat out the entire 22 minutes against Tuscarawas Valley.  He gamely gave it a try against Dennison, but obviously was in plain and unable to maneuver properly.

Tuesday, March 9, 1965
Dan Kopp, Sports Editor
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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