Monday, January 30, 2012

65 - Garaway Tops Malvern In Slugfest 26-25 (4-21-65)

SUGARCREEK - Garaway's Dan Andreas looped a single into right centerfield and gave Malvern heartaches.  That's how yesterday's Eastern District Class A Sectional Baseball Tournament doubleheader at Sugarcreek stacked up.  And the stack of runs was piled high into what surely must have been record-breaking strata.  Down by 8 runs entering the bottom of the 7th inning, Garaway (2-0) scored 8 markers to "nip" Malvern.  Andreas' single and a combination of 2 Hornet errors with the bases loaded brought home the tieing and winning markers.

It took Garaway 3 hours and 15 minutes to defeat Malvern.  Starting  hurlers Dan Andreas (1-0) for the Pirates and Hornet Tom Orcutt long since had left the mound when the winning run was scored.  Andreas, who went to 1st base after pitching one inning and being charged with 10 Malvern runs, was succeeded first by Dave Pope (0-0) who worked two-thirds of an inning.  By far the most effective of Garaway's 4 pitchers was third man Randy Miller (0-0).  He permitted 2 runs on one hit in the 4th frame, blanked the Hornets in the 5th, but was tagged for 6 runs in the 6th before being relieved by Jim Young (1-0) at the outset of the seventh.  Young, although shelled by 8 Malvern tallies, emerged the winning hurler.  His seventh-inning opposite, Bill Monroe, was the loser.  He permitted Garaway's 9 last-inning runs, including the tieing and winning markers.  Prior to that, Fred Campbell saw brief action, walking the only 3 men to face him before he was replaced by Bob Evanich, who went 4 innings.

Garaway was behind by 8 runs twice, once at 12-4 in the 2nd inning and again at 25-17 entering the finale.  On the 2nd ocasion, Garaway knotted the count when Young, Andreas and Pope spearheaded the drive bny batting in 2 runs apiece as each singled in the 6-run 6th inning.  Included were walks to Bob Klein, Dave Andreas and Bob Malone.  Young, though no choosing of his own, was hit by a pitched ball to launch the final inning's drive.  Andreas reached base on an error by the pitcher, then Miller unloaded a towering 3-run Home Run (3) that carried 380 feet.  John Fankhouser, who should receive a purple heart for his yeoman performance in catching Garaway's wayward-throwing pitchers, was hit by a pitched ball and Dean Burky and Greg Trover walked to fill the bases.  Hornet Monroe continued to be unable to find the strike zone, walking Malone, Young and Klein.  The sacks were still filled with Pirates when Andreas connected for his single to send home 2 runs and end the game.  All told, Garaway contributed 9 errors to the Hornet cause.  At the same time, its pitchers were being tagged for 15 Malvern hits, while striking out 3 and walking 15.  Malvern's pitchers yielded 14 hits, fanned 7 and walked 13.


Jim Young 6-3-1
Bob Klein 5-3-2
Dan Andreas 6-3-4
Randy Miller 6-3-3
John Fankhouser 2-3-1
Terry Gerber 0-0-0
Dave Pope 3-2-1
Dean Burky 0-1-0
Dave Andreas 3-2-0
Greg Troyer 3-3-2
Bob Malone 2-3-0


Leper 4-4-1
Bob Evanish 4-2-1
Charles Hutchinson 6-3-3
Jim Montella 6-3-0
Clark 6-3-4
Ferguson 3-3-2
Romano 0-0-0
Tom Orcutt 3-1-1
Fred Campbell 1-1-0
Angeloni 4-3-2
Parker 2-2-1
Bucky Monroe 0-0-0
M. Campbell 0-0-0

Thursday, April 22, 1965
Norm Singleton, Staff Writer
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio


April 20, 1965

Tuscarawas Broncos (2-2) 2 - Conotton Valley Rockets 1
Gnadenhutten Indians (7-1)  2 - Midvale Blue Devils (1-2) 0

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