Friday, February 17, 2012

66 - Port Washington Loses To Conotton Valley 73-53 (12-4-65)

LEESVILLE - Port Washington (0-2) still is looking for its first win of the 1965-66 basketball season.  The Purple Riders have been topped for the 5th straight time Saturday night by Conotton Valley (2-1).  The Rockets are on a 2 game winning streak after losing to Garaway in their opener.  Port Washington, coached by George Thomas, jumped to a 3-2 lead, but the Errol Jacobs-coached Rockets quickly went ahead and remained in the driver's seat the rest of the way.  The Rockets led 17-7, 47-19 and 57-38 at the quarter stops.  Jacobs substituted freely.  John Conner paced the well-balanced Rocket attack with 21 points.  Jim Monigold had 15 and Neil Cadle 10.  All told, 9 Rockets contributed to the scoring total.  Roger Lewis led the Purple Riders with 19 markers.  Jerry Stephens had 17.  Rebounds favored Conotton Valley 47-34, with Ken Beamer and Cadle both pulling down 16.  Lewis grabbed 11 for Port Washington.  The Rockets hit on 28 of 62 floor shots and 17 of 26 fouls.  The Purple Riders were 15 of 60 and 22 of 34, respectively.  In the Reserve game, Conotton Vallely came up a winner by a score of 43-33 over Port Washington (0-1).


Jim Monigold 7-1-15
John Conner 8-5-21
Ken Beamer 3-3-9
Neil Cadle 2-6-10
Bruce Milhorn 4-0-8
Clow 0-2-2
Grimes 2-0-4
Leeper 1-0-2


Jerry Stephens 5-7-17
Mike Page 1-3-5
Jeff Huston 0-1-1
Bill Dummermuth 1-0-2
Rich Fillman 1-0-2
Roger Lewis 4-11-19
Greg Bender 2-1-5
Rothenstein 1-0-2

Monday, December 6, 1965
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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