Saturday, February 11, 2012

65 - Port Washington Will Graduate 34 Next Friday

PORT WASHINGTON GRADUATES:  Penny Henshaw, Ann Patterson, Glenna Bassett, Lester Burns, Leonard Cameron, Robert Casteel, Carol Casteel, Phyllis Clum, Phillip Donley, Wayne Dyer, Sheryl Fillman, Mary Garretson, Danny Gay, Johnny Gilmore, Susan Glazer, Linda Goettige, Lonnie Gossett, Janice Gardner, Barbara Hagan, Richard Heston, Carolyn Hursey, Linda Laisure, Glen McMullen, Elaine Mizer, Bruce Murphy, Charlotte Simmerman, Anthony Sholosky, Harold Stahl, Florence Steinbach Linda Swinderman, Rita Tayler, Barbara Tedrow and Marjorie Welsh.

PORT WASHINGTON - The 34 graduates of Port Washington High will begin their graduation exercises with baccalaureate services Sunday at 8PM in  the school gym.  The Rev. Charles Sellers will deliver the main address, "Three Great Choices in Life."  The invocation and benediction will be given by the Rev. Glenn Rettig.  The mixed chorus will sing, "He" and "So Little Time."  The audience will join in the hymn, "Lead On O King Eternal."  Leading the Seniors down commencement road will be Penny Hanshaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanshaw, of RD 2, Port Washington, valedictorian and Ann Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Patterson of RD 3, Newcomerstown, salutatorian.  Both girls will speak at commencement exercises next Friday at 8PM in the high school gym.  Miss Hanshaw's extracurricular activities include chorus, FTA, National Honor Society, yearbook staff, school newspaper and work as an office aide.  She attended Uhrichsville High 2 years.  Miss Patterson's activities include band, mixed chorus, girls' glee club,  student council, 4-H, Scholarship Team, National Honor Society, yearbook staff and Class President for 2 years.  Rev. Russell Hoy, of RD 3, Coshocton,  will deliver the main commencement address on the topic, "The Three Major Concerns of Youth."  Rev. Hoy is a well-known speaker and former member of the State Board of Education.  He is in his 27th year as pastor of the Canal Lewisville Methodist Church near Coshocton.  Robert Casteel, Senior Class President, will introduce the speaker.  Edward Brockover, executive head, will present the class and  John Fouts, IndianValley board  member, will present the diplomas.  Dr. Roy I. Farmer will give the invocation and benediction.

Friday, May 28, 1965
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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