Thursday, February 9, 2012

65 - Dan Gay MVP At Port Washington (5-18-65)

Sports awards night at Port Washington.  Photo includes:  Head Coach George Thomas, Rich Fillman, Dan Gay, Jeff Huston, Bill Dummermuth, Richard West, Leonard Cameron and Miss Sharon Tufford.

PORT WASHINGTON - A GAY TIME (You could still say that in 1965).  Dan Gay has been named the Most Valuable Basketball Player for Port Washington High.  Here, Gay received a trophy from Coach George Thomas.  It took place last night during the school's sports banquet, attended by 225.  Others getting awards were Rich Fillman Best Foul Shooter; Jeff Huston, for setting a county meet Discus Record; Bill Dummermuth, Best Foul Shooter on the Reserve Squad; Richard West, for playing Baseball 4 Years; Leonard Cameron, Top Rebounder and Top Scorer and Miss Sharon Tufford, for setting  a county meet Broad Jump record.

Wednesday, May 19, 1965
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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