Tuesday, March 20, 2012

66 - On The Track - Port Washington Purple Riders

PORT WASHINGTON - The Purple Riders will be participating in track this spring, marking the school's 1st venture into the sport.  Ten boys will carry the load for the Riders who open the season in mid-April.  Because of conflicting baseball dates, the Riders will participate in only tri-angular and quad-angular meets since many of the cindermen also participate on the diamond.

Rich Fillman will try his luck at the high hurdles, Roger Lewis will be taking on the broad jump and pole vault chores and Bob Snyder will participate in the 880-yard run to round out the Senior candidates on the squad.  Junior Jerry Stephens will be in the 100 and 200 dashes and 180-year hurdles besides the broad jump to carry the bulk of the Riders' hopes.  Freshman Jeff Huston will throw the discus and shot put, Junior Greg Bender will run the 440 and broad jump and Junior Bob Sauerbrey the high jump.  The 880 run will be by Snyder and Junior Barry Johnson, while the 880 relay will include Bender, Lewis, Huston and Freshman Bill Edwards and Junior Jim McCune.

Wednesday, March 6, 1966
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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