Sunday, March 25, 2012

66 - Midvale Pulls Down 2 Victories At Lakeland (4-16-66)

FREEPORT - Midvale (2-1) grabbed 2 baseball wins Saturday, beating Lakeland High 4-1 and 10-0.  Harvey Byers was the winning pitcher in the 1st game, allowing 3 hits and striking out 9.  He didn't walk any.  The loser was Denny Luyster who gave up 6 hits, struck out 6 and walked 3.  Bill Hibbs and Dan Krocker each had 2 hits for Midvale.  Krocker had a double and Byers a triple.

Ray Nelson hurled for the Blue Devils of Coach Pete Hilliard in the 2nd game, permitting just 2 hits, while striking out 6 and passing 3.  The losing hurler was Ron Septer who was reached for 5 hits, walked 4 and struck out 6.  Tom Boot had a double and a single and Nelson a double for Midvale.  Jeff Bachtel had a double for the Raiders of Coach Gary Caviness.

Monday, April 18, 1966
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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