Wednesday, May 4, 2011

61 - Strasburg Upsets Fairless 54-52 In Overtime (11-30-60)

STRASBURG - A capacity throng nearly had fans hanging from the rafters here last night when the Strasburg Tigers (1-0) and Fairless Falcons (0-1) collided.  It was the opening game  of the 1960-1961 campaign  for both teams and it couldn't have been a more auspicious debut - particularly for the youthful Tigers.  Overcoming a lack of experiene with intense spirit, enthusiasm and desire for victory, the Bengals scored an overtime victory over the Stark County invaders.  Jim Clymer, a Junior and the only member of the starting quintet with letterman experience, connected with 2 clutch field goals in the overtime, the final one clinching the Strasburg victory with 35 seconds remaining to  play.  Adrian Edie then stole a Fairless pass and the Tigers held the ball for the remainder of the distance to make it a successful opener.  Coach Warren Binder, who started a lineup comprised of a Senior, one Junior, one Sophomore and 2 Freshmen, was elated with the triumph."  I don't think there is a greener ball club in the area than the one we have, but they showed great team spirit and team play.  Those unquestionably were the factors that brought us the victory."  He added, "They made a lot of mistakes, but that's expected of a young team."  Freshman Don Wallick was among those turning in a yeoman performance.  Clymer, the Tiger Center, was dealt his fourth personal foul in the closing minutes  of the second quarter.  He was removed from the game, and the 6-1 Wallick was switched from forward to the pivot slot, where he made his mark.  He scored 14 of his total 16 points in the third period, while playing there.  Strasburg led throughout the first period and until Clymer was removed in  the second quarter when  Fairless edged into the lead.  It was on top 23-21 at halftime.  The second half was a nip and tuck affair throughout.  With 15 seconds remaining in the game Strasburg held a 50-48 lead.  Paul Slayman of the Falcons then stepped to the foul line and cooly sank 2 staight charity tosses to tie the game and send it into an overtime.  In the extra time Floyd Brown scored Fairless' 2 points, both on foul shots.  Clymer led Strasburg with 19 points in addition to Wallick's total.  Brown paced the Falcons with 22 and Slayman collected 12.  Strasburg meshed 24 of 55 field goal attempts for 48 percent, a mighty mark for opening-night play.  The Falcons weren't for off that mark when they made 18 of 44 for 41 percent from the field.  Strasburg added 6 of 18 free throws and Fairless hit on 16 of 22.  The Fairless Reserves (1-0) stomped the Strasburg Reserves (0-1) 34-15.


Ray Deibel 2-0-4
Charles Himes 0-0-0
Don Wallick 7-2-16
Jim Clymer 9-1-19
Vic Gessner 4-0-8
Dan Sliffe 0-0-0
Adrian Edie 2-3-7


Floyd Brown 9-4-22
Wenger 0-2-2
Mathias 0-1-1
Paul Slayman 3-6-12
Spurgeon 6-3-15

Wednesday, November 30, 1960
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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