Monday, May 23, 2011

61 - Hiland In Close One At Baltic 60-59 (1-25-61)

BALTIC - Baltic's Eagles (8-8) made a valiant bid to upend the touted Hiland Hawks (14-1) here last night.  But a combination of a scintallating display of foul shooting and Coach Bob Schrock's "shock troops" gave the Holmes County kingpins a narrow victory.  A foul shot by the Hawks' 6-4 pivotman Andy Ahijewych, with 2 seconds remaining  in the game  provided the narrow margin.  Baltic was behind 18-17 at the end of the first period, but could not miss in the second stanza when it rolled to a 41-30 halftime lead.  The Eagles led by as much as 13 points the greater portion of the quarter.  In the third quarter the Eagles maneuvered to a 50-41 lead, but Schrock's "shockers" put on a big final period push to outscore Baltic 19-9.  With 3 seconds remaining to play and the score deadlocked 59-59 Baltic's Gary Mast left Eagle fans faint hearted as his shot rolled around the rim and dropped out.  The ensuing scramble for the ball, Ahijewych was  fouled.  Hiland, which cashed in on 9 free throws in the final period, finished by making  22 of 28 from the charity line.  It offset a fine Baltic shooting performance of 60 percent on 24 of 40 shots.  The Hawks made 19 of 51 goal attempts, while the Eagles meshed 11 of 21 free throws.  Rube Mullet paced the Eagle scoring with 17 points,while Larry Lautenschleger added 13 and Dick Gerber 10.  Ahijewych led the Hawks with 20.  Hiland started off the night in the Reserve game by routing Baltic 44-33.


Phil Miller 1-6-8
Yoder 4-3-11
Mast 2-3-7
W. Mullet 1-0-2
Andy Ahijewych 5-10-20
A. Mullet 0-0-0
Art Mullet 3-0-6
M. Miller 0-0-0
G.  Miller 3-0-6
Mishler 0-0-0


Larry Oswald 1-0-2
Larry Lautenschleger 6-1-13
Charles McPherson 1-2-4
Gary Mast 5-3-13
Rube Mullet 6-5-17
Dick Gerber 5-0-10

Wednesday, January 25, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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