Sunday, May 29, 2011

61 - Strasburg Goes Down In Flames In Loss To Baltic 60-50 (2-11-61)

STRASBURG - Baltic (4-4) (9-10) and Strasburg (0-8) (1-17) staged a battle royal in the first period with the Eagles edging to a 16-13 lead.  But in the second stanza the Eagles began pulling away and led 39-25 at halftime.  Strasburg outscored Baltic 25-21 in the second half, but it was too little too late.  The closest the Tigers could come was 7 points the remainder of the distance.  Larry Lautenschleger led the Eagles with 18 points and Willis Mullet was right behind with 17.  Jim  Clymer topped Strasburg with 17 points and Adrian Edie and Don Wallick added 13 and 10, respectively.  Baltic meshed 21 of 51 field tries for 40 percent and Strasburg 21 of 68 for 31 percent.  The Eagles piled up their lead at the foul line where they made 16 of 19 for a hot 64 percent.  Strasburg hit 8 of 14 free throws for 57 percent.  In the Reserve game, Baltic (10-8) topped Strasburg (8-9) 52-38.


Larry Oswald 2-3-7
Lautenschlegr 6-6-18
Charles McPherson 3-3-9
Gary Mast 3-3-9
Willis Mullet 8-1-17


Ray Deibel 1-0-2
Don Wallick 4-2-10
Aul 1-1-3
Jim Clymer 8-1-17
Adrian Edie 5-3-13
Vic Gessner 2-1-5

Saturday, February 11, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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