Thursday, May 26, 2011

61 - Uhrichsville Puts Down Tusky Valley 45-36 (2-1-61)

UHRICHSVILLE - The Uhrichsville Tigers (10-2) had their hands full for 3 periods here last night before coming alive in the final period to pull out their 7th straight triumph.  The invading Tuscarawas Valley Trojans (9-6) hung on until the Tigers took command in the last quarter to gain a hard-earned victory.  Uhrichsville came up with an excessive amount of erratic passing that resulted in 21 turnovers.  It didn't take the lead until 3 minutes remained in the game when guard Nick McBride sank a fielder after taking a long pass from  Butch Watkins to put the Bengals in front 33-31.  TV played a deliberate game, taking advantage of nearly every Tiger miscue.  At one time the Trojans held a 7-point lead, 18-11, just prior to halftime.  At intermission Tusky Valley led 24-17.  Going into the final quarter Tusky Valley held a narrow 29-27 lead.  At the start of the final quarter Ron Lake of the Trojans connected for a fielder, but that was the last time they led as the Tigers hit for 5 straight points.  Tuscarawas Valley had one compensation in  defeat.  It held Uhrichsville's Tom Davis, Tuscarawas County's leading Class "AA" scorer, to 8 points, his low  of the season.  Taking up the slack for the Tigers were Walkins and Tom Edwards, who scored 15 and 11 points, respectively.  Lake led the Trojans with 12 points and Jim Studer connected for 11.  Tusky Valley made only 12 of 44 action flings for 27.2 percent, while the Tigers hit on 19 of 50 for 38 percent.  The Trojans made 12 of 13 fouls and Uhrichsville 7 of 10.  The Uhrichsville Reserves dominated their game over the Tuscarawas Valley Reserves (7-6) 54-31.


Rich Norman 1-0-2
Tom Edwards 5-1-11
Butch Watkins 5-5-15
Nick McBride 4-1-9
Tom Davis 4-0-8
Richardson 0-0-0


Ron Lake 2-8-12
Mike Widder 2-1-5
Jim Studer 5-1-11
Rod Cropper 1-1-3
Al Cerett 2-1-5

Wednesday, February 1, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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