Sunday, May 1, 2011

61 - Baltic Drops 2nd Straight Game 65-54 (11-23-60)

BALTIC - The Baltic Eagles (0-2) went down to their second straight defeat of the season here last night when invading Adamsville left with a victory.  Adamsville took a 3-point lead at the end of the first period and retained it the remainder of the distance, increasing it to 7 points at the conclusion of the final period.  Baltic's chances for victory were dimmed further at the outset of the final stanza when Larry Lautenschleger and Gary Mast fouled out.  Several other starters played the final period with 4 fouls.  Bill Hoffer set the scoring pace for the invaders when he tallied 19 points.  Rick Derry followed with 12 and Jim Derry connected for 10.  Leading the Eagles was Larry Oswald with 15 and Mast with 14.  Adamsville Reserves edged the Baltic Reserves (0-1) 30-29.


Jim Derry 3-4-10
Brewer 3-2-8
Stainaker 2-1-5
Pollock 2-1-5
Campbell 1-1-3
Rick Derry 5-3-13
Bill Hoffer 9-1-19
Bowden 1-0-2


Larry Oswald 5-5-15
Larry Lautenschleger 1-3-5
Charles McPherson 1-0-2
Gary Mast 6-2-14
Dick Gerber 4-2-10
Rube Mullet 1-1-3
Stein 2-1-5

Wednesday, November 23, 1960
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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