Sunday, July 15, 2012

67 - Sweet Revenge For Jewett Against Scio 70-56 (2-17-67)

It appears as if Jim Allensworth (35) of Scio can't find the handle on the ball and is trying to borrow another hand from Nolan Harkins (40) of Jewett.  Waiting to see if 3 hands are better than 2 are:  Adrian Tharp (12) of Scio and Rick White (33), Dana Brown (42) and Bernie Wilson (44) of Jewett.

NEW PHILADELPHIA - Third time is always a charm and the Jewett Wildcats (8-11) are firm believers in this old proverb as they gained sweet revenge for the 2 narrow setbacks they suffered in league play.  The "Cats" refused to roll over and play dead.  They were not convinced that they couldn't beat the Harrison County League Champions and did the turn-about in convincing fashion, as they were in command all the way.  Bernie Wilson, a sharpshooting guard who when left to get set, was almost sure to rack up a long 2-pointer, canned 4 of 6 from outside to pace the Wildcats to a 21-17 first quarter lead.

Wilson sparked the 2nd quarter attack with 3 more long ones as Jewett opened the margin to a 35-27 lead at halftime.  Scio's Jim Allensworth matched basket for basket with Wilson to keep the Panthers within striking distance as he took scoring honors with 24.  The Panthers fought back and still looked confident and calm as they outscored their foe 13-9 in the 3rd period and cut the lead to 45-40 at the stop.  However, that was as close as they managed to come as the 4th period was almost a constant parade to the foul line.

The Wildcats protected their lead and forced the Panthers to come after the ball.  As a result the margin grew bigger.  Jewett cashed in on 14 points from the free throw line as Scio lost Allensworth and Ted Lairson on personals in the last 2 minutes of the game.  In addition to Allensworth's 24 markers for Scio Lairson chipped in 12.  Jewett's scoring machine produced 4 players in the double figure column.  Pacing the attack with 20 points was Wilson, followed by Randy Shultz's 14, Scott Samples' 12 and Nolan Harkins' 11.  Scio connected on 21 of 53 action shots for 39.6 percent and 14 of 24 from the free throw line.  The victorious Wildcats hit a respectasble 42.1 percent with 25 action shots in 58 attempts.  Taking advantage of the charity stripe, the "Cats" rimmed 20 of 29 for 68.9 percent.


Scott Samples 2-9-13
Adrian Tharp 3-0-6
Randy Shultz 3-8-14
Noland Harkins 5-1-11
Brown 3-0-6
Bernie Wilson 9-2-20


Jim Allensworth 10-4-24
Ted Lairson 5-2-12
Rich Downs 2-3-7
Rick White 1-1-3
Rick Taylor 2-0-4
Paul Baker 1-4-6

Saturday, February 18, 1967
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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