Friday, June 17, 2011

61 - Tuscarawas Blows Away Midvale 8-2 (5-2-61)

PHOTO - Tuscarawas Broncos Senior - Chester "Chet" Summers

TUSCARAWAS - Midvale (5-2) met Tuscarawas (2-3), but appeared to have been unnerved with  its important win over Gnaden (5-2) and committed 13 errors in going down to defeat.  It was a wild game all the way as Tusky had but 4 hits and Midvale 3.  Reichman (1-1) and Walton (0-0) combined to allow the 3 safeties for Tusky.  Jim Ashbaugh (1-1) started and was the loser for Midvale.  Paul Cerana and Vic Vesco provided the big bats for Tusky as each slammed triples.

Paul Cerana (T) 3B (1)
Vic Vesco (T) 3B (2)

Wednesday, May 3, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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