Sunday, June 12, 2011

61 - Strasburg Fails To Score At Baltic 7-0 (4-14-61)

BALTIC - Baltic (2-0) annexed its second consecutive victory in the  County Class "A" League yesterday when it blanked Strasburg (0-2) (0-3).  Larry Lautenschleger (2-0) hurled for the Eagles until the final inning when Willis Mullet (0-0) took over.  They combined to permit only 4 hits.  Lautenschleger fanned 14 and Mullet one.  Only one walk was yielded.  Jim Clymer (0-2) hurled until the final frame when Shoyck (0-0) moved in for Strasburg.  They were touched for 7 hits and fanned 11, while walking only one.  Mullet paced the Eagle attack with 2 hits.  Dan Sliffe had 2 singles for the Tigers.

Willis Mullet (B) 1B (2)
Dan Sliffe (S) 1B (2)

Saturday, April 15, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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