Friday, June 10, 2011

61 - Gnadenhutten Romps Over Stone Creek 21-2 (4-4-61)

STONE CREEK - Gnadenhutten (1-0) romped to victory over Stone Creek (0-1) in the opening game of the Tuscarawas County Class "A" League baseball season yesterday.  It was the only game reported.  The Fall champions of the county league, Gnaden boomed in front with 5 runs in the first and was never in trouble.  Gary Conway (1-0) started a superb pitching performance for the Indians as he fanned 9 of 10 batters that faced him in the first 3 innings.  John Rauzi (0-0), Dave Struchen (0-0) and Don Garrett (0-0) followed him to the hill and the quartet allowed only one hit, while fanning 17 and walking 7.  Diebel collected the only hit for Stone Creek, a single.  Carl Dichler led the Tribe with 3 singles, while Bob Ervin had 2 and Jim McCreary belted 2 doubles.  Larry Stephon (0-1) and Ed Wallace (0-0) were on the mound for Stone Creek, allowing 11 hits, fanning 7 and giving up 13 walks.

Jim McCreary (G) 2B (2)
Carl Dichler (G) 1B (3)
Bob Ervin (G) 1B (2)
Paul Diebel (SC) 1B (1)

Wednesday, April 5, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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