Saturday, April 2, 2011

60 - TV Tops Midvale 13-0 - - Studer Hurt (4-29-60)

BOLIVAR - Tuscarawas Valley (5-1) won a baseball game yesterday, but lost a shortstop.  The Trojans defeated Midvale (3-4) behind the fine 1-hit pitching effort of Clarence Cantrill (2-1), but lost the services of Jim Studer, who suffered a fractured jaw in a collision at first base.  He was scheduled to get it wired this morning at Union Hospital.  It will be wired for the next 5 weeks.  Cantrill struck out 9, walked 2 and permitted the lone hit to the Blue Devils' Bob Byers with one out in the sixth inning.  Neal Beans (1-3) started and was charged with the loss.  Albaugh (0-0) also saw action.  The 2 combined to permit 15 hits, strike out 6 and walked 4.  The Trojans tagged 4 extra base hits, with Al Cerett, Ed Lundenberger, Dean Nemitz and John Solvey all doubling.  Midvale (2-4) beat Stone Creek (0-6) which not reported.

Cerett (TV) 2B (2)
Lundenberger (TV) 2B (1)
Nemitz (TV) 2B (2)
Solvey (TV) 2B (1)
Byers (M) 1B (5)

Friday, April 29, 1960
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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