Tuesday, April 5, 2011

60 - Shocker! Baltic 3 - Tusky 1 (5-3-60)

PHOTO:  Baltic Eagles No-Hit Senior Pitcher - John Rice

Yesterday, Tuscarawas Valley (7-1) gained a tie for first place in the Tuscarawas County Class "A" League when Tuscarawas (7-1) suffered its first loss on the latter's field.  John Rice (5-0) of the Eagles (6-2) tossed a no-hitter, striking out 15 and walking 5.  Tuscarawas scored its lone run in the fourth inning on 2 errors and a walk.  Baltic came back in the fifth inning on singles by Gary Mast, Willis Mullet, Rice and Dick Gerber for its 3 runs.  Gary Mast tripled and Larry Lautenschleger doubled for the Eagles.  Bill Fellers (2-1) started for Tuscarawas and was charged with the defeat.  He received aid from Floyd Smith (0-0).  The 2 combined 5 strikeouts and 3 walks.  At yesterday's tournament drawings Tuscarawas Coach Kermit Smulbach and Tuscarawas Valley mentor Robert Heller decided not to take any action towards a playoff game or series until after the Sectional-District event is completed.

Mast (B) 3B (1)
Lautenschleger (B) 2B (4)
Mast (B) 1B (1)
Mullett (B) 1B (2)
Rice (B) 1B (2)
Gerber (B) 1B (2)


1.  Tuscarawas Broncos 7-1*
2.  Tuscarawas Valley Trojans 7-1*
3.  Baltic Eagles 6-2
4.  Garaway Pirates 5-3
5.  Gnadenhutten Indians 3-4#
6.  Midvale Blue Devils 3-4#
7.  Port Washington Purple Riders 2-6
8.  Strasburg Tigers 2-6
9.  Stone Creek Panthers 0-8
* Co-Champions
# Game winner not determined



1.  John Rice (B) 5-0
2.  Bleininger (GP) 3-0
3.  Widder (TV) 3-0
4.  Gary Caviness (T) 2-0
5.  3 Tied at 1-0

1.  John Rice (61)
2.  Jim Clymer (S) 34
3.  John Landon (P) 31
4.  Larry Lautenschleger (B) 24
5.  Bleininger (GP) 21

1.  Neal Beans (M) 19
2.  Jim Clymer (S) 17
3.  John Rice (B) 15
4.  John Landon (P) 14
5.  2 Tied With 9

1.  John Landon (P) 54
2.  Jim Clymer (S) 39
3.  Neal Beans (M) 33
4.  Albaugh (M) 25
5.  John Rice (B) 21


1.  McCreary (G) 8
2.  Jim Hannahs (P) 7
3.  Bob Raber (GP) 6
4.  3 Tied With 5

1.  Brown (T) 4
2.  Lautenschleger (B) 4
3.  Charles Stingel (GP) 4
4.  Ron Lake (TV) 3
5.  Andreas (GP) 3

1.  Cerett (TV) 2
2.  Clapper (S) 2
3.  Curt Johns (P) 2
4.  MPherson (B) 2
5.  22 Tied With 1

1.  Gary Gerber (B) 3
2.  Bud Yakley (GP) 3
3.  Chip McCahill (T) 2
4.  Bill Seese (SC) 2
5.  Charles Stingel (GP) 2

Tuesday, May 3, 1960
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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