Saturday, April 3, 2010

Port, Baltic Seek Upsets (2-25-54)

Port Washington and Baltic, tagged as underdogs in the semifinals round of the 32nd Tuscarawas County Class B cage tourney, will be shooting for upset victories over Strasburg and Tuscarawas, respectively, when the meet resumes action at Memorial Hall tonight. Coach Bray Toot, whose Purple Riders tangle with the undefeated Strasburg crew in the nightcap tonight, has had a full week to plot strategy for an upset bid and the veteran mentor is expected to unveil a plan aimed at trampling the Tigers, currently ranked fifth in the state's Class B galaxy.
STRASBURG will be searching for victory No. 23 in succession when they tangle with the Purple Riders, who lost a 75-45 decision to Coach Don Martin's crew early in the season when Ken Huston played but two minutes because of an injury. Coach Martin, meanwhile, is plotting a defense aimed at stopping the Purple Riders, who have been hurdling all opponents with a high-geared offensive in the last few games. In the first semi-finals contest, Baltic's Eagles will have their claws sharpened for revenge against the Tuscarawas Broncos who pinned a humilliating 86-63 defeat on them in the last game of the season.
COACH Tom Bellville's charges saw their offense riddled by a pressing defense on the Broncos' floor. Tuscarawas is expected to throw the same defense up against the Eagles tonight. The contest should be a crowd pleaser all the way. In the preliminary tussle, slated to get the proceedings underway at 6:30, Sugarcreek-Shanesville's Pirates go up against the Gnadenhutten Indians in a consolation battle. Doors to Memorial Hall will Open at 5:30.
Thursday, February 25, 1954
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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