Thursday, April 29, 2010

Panthers Claw Purple Riders 55-42 (2-21-55)

Port Washington (15-8) started off fast against Stone Creek with Sophomore Ed Bates once again sparkling in the opening period. The Purple Riders galloped to a 12-5 lead midway in the canto, but were slowed down as Bill Jones and Ronnie Deibel began connecting for the Panthers. Port Washington held a 15-11 lead at the end of the first period, but faded badly in the second canto and the Panthers, unable to get their own attack in high gear, edged into the lead 22-21 shortly before the half ended. The Riders clung to their lead; however, as Paul Frank scored just before the intermission. The two teams battled at close quarters in the third canto with Deibel and Rod Reinhart giving the Panthers a slight edge and Dave Wherley sinking two fouls to send Stone Creek into a 36-33 lead at the far turn. From there on out it was Stone Creek's turn to "call the shots" and the Panthers held on to their slim lead until midway in the stanza when Jones began to connect and rocket his team into a commanding position. Stone Creek rushed to a 50-38 lead with only Tom Jones holding the Purple Riders up for the first six minutes of the final quarter. The Panthers put on the finishing touches and clinched the victory and the right to advance with a final burst. Jones and Deibel led the Panthers with 19 and 14 points, while Paul Frank was high for the Riders with 13. Ed Bates, who didn't score a field goal after the first quarter, had 12 and Tom Jones got 11 for Port.
Ronnie Deibel 5-4-14
Don Poland 2-0-4
Reuben Lorenz 0-0-0
Larry Sherrets 0-0-0
Bill Jones 8-3-19
Stan Phillippi 2-0-4
Rodney Reinhart 3-0-6
Ben Wherley 1-2-4
Dave Wherley 0-4-4
Paul Frank 6-1-13
Ed Bates 4-4-12
Dale Veley 0-0-0
Tom Jones 3-5-11
Nick Frank 0-0-0
Bob Welsch 1-0-2
Gary Dichler 1-2-4
Bill McConnell 0-0-0
Vernon Glazer 0-0-0
Monday, February 21, 1955
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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