Monday, April 12, 2010

Gnaden Tips Stone Creek For County Loop Crown (10-1-54)

Baltic and Port Washington will clash tonight at Gnadenhutten for the consolation crown of the county baseball tournament to determine which combine joins the top team of Gnadenhutten and the runner up Stone Creek squad in the spring playoffs (Note: The game between Baltic and Port Washington appears to have never been reported to the Daily Reporter!). Gnaden came through with a 6-5 victory over Stone Creek Thursday night for the county championship as the Indians pushes across single runs in the sixth and seven innings for the title. Lloyd Porter went all the way for Gnaden allowing 7 hits and fanning 7 Stone Creek batters, while Mel McAfee took the loss on 7 hits. Each team committed two errors. Jim Meek paced the winning attack with two singles and a triple.
Friday, October 1, 1954
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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