Saturday, November 6, 2010

59 - Gnaden Cops 7th Verdict 10-2 (10-7-58)

PHOTO: Baltic Eagles Freshman - Dale Lautensleger
The Gnadenhutten Indians (7-0) copped their seventh straight county baseball game last night when they routed Port Washington (1-6) 10-2 on Ron Bradley's third one-hitter. Bradley whiffed 11 and walked three. Bill Phillips was the loser. He gave up four hits, struck out five and walked eight. The Purple Riders avoided a shutout when errors in the second and third innings resulted in single tallies. Gnaden's only loss was a non-league 3-0 shutout handed them by Northwestern last week. The Indians entertain Garaway Thursday at 4PM.
LAUTENSLEGERS PACE BALTIC TO 3-2 VICTORY - A brother duo of Dick and Dale Lautensleger led Baltic's Eagles to a 3-2 victory over Stone in the County Fall Baseball League last night in Baltic. Dick handled the mound duties, limiting the Creekers to two hits, both doubles, while whiffing 11 and not walking a man. Dale, only a Freshman, guaranteed the victory for his older brother, who is a Junior, when he slammed four singles to drive in all three runs. John Rice had a double and single to aid the winning attack. Jim McAfee hurled for the losers fanning eight, striking out two and yielding six hits. He along with Jim Patrick each doubled.
1. Gnadenhutten Indians 7-0
2. Garaway Pirates 6-1
3. Baltic Eagles 3-4
4. Port Washington Purple Riders 1-6
5. Stone Creek Panthers 1-7
Tuesday, October 7, 1958
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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