Sunday, October 31, 2010

59 - Baltic Hurler Tosses No-Hit, 21-0 Verdict (9-24-58)

PHOTO: Baltic Eagles No-Hit Pitcher - Dick Lautensleger
Baltic's Dick Lautensleger turned in the second gem of the Tuscarawas County Fall Baseball season yesterday when he tossed a no-hitter against the Stone Creek Panthers (0-4). In taking a 21-0 verdict, Dick whiffed 15, walked only one, while his matos committed two errors. Three Stone Creek hurlers saw duty with Dick Wherley starting. He was followed by Jim Patrick and Mel MacAfee. They yielded a total of 14 hits. Packing the hit parade for Baltic (2-2) was John Rice with a double and triple, Gary Gerber with three singles and Sam Jacobs with a double and single. Baltic plated six markers in the second frame and added five more in the third before being held scoreless in the fourth.
1. Gnadenhutten Indians 4-0
2. Garaway Pirates 3-1
3. Baltic Eagles 2-2
4. Port Washington Purple Riders 1-3
5. Stone Creek Panthers 0-4
Wednesday, September 24, 1958
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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