Sunday, October 10, 2010

1957-1958 All League Team (2-22-58)

Youth, height, scoring ability, versatility, good team spirit and sportsmanship. Those attributes, usually found only in a "dream" basketball team, highlight The Daily Reporter's 1957-1958 County Class A All-League squad. The 10-member team is comprised of five seniors, three juniors and two sophomores. Each will receive a Daily Reporter trophy at the conclusion of tonight's tourney title game. Polled by The Reporter, coaches of the league made 10 nominations each. The all-star squad then was chosen by them from a list of 20 nominees who compliled the most points in the first poll. Midvale's league champions and Gnadenhutten, which placed second in the loop, garnered two berths apiece on the team. Midvale placed Russ Hobart and Tom Krocker, while the Gnadenhutten members are Larry Clark and Ron Bradley. The other six are Rod Reinhart of Stone Creek, Ben Price of Tuscarawas Valley, Chuck Burris of Strasburg, Gary Caviness of Tuscarawas, Charles Stingel of Garaway and Ron Huprich of Baltic. Reinhart and Price, who were unanimous choices of the coaches, and Burris are the only three who were on the 1956-1957 All-League squad. The All-League team averages 6 feet in height and the 10 players amassed 3,184 points for an average of 17.1 apiece. Reinhart, who gained an honorable mention in his sophomore year, Hobart, Burris, Clark and Huprich are the seniors. Clark and Huprich received honorable mention a year ago. Price, Krocker and Bradley are the juniors with Stingel and Caviness being the sophomores. Reinhart was the leading scorer in the county circuit this season when he tallied 470 points in 20 games for an average of 23.5 while leading Stone Creek to a third place tie with Tuscarawas Valley. Reinhart has been described by coaches as "a very good shooter." At 5-foot-10 he is a pack of dynamite. In addition to his athletic abilities, Reinhart ranks first in his class from the standpoint of grades. Price, the tallest man on the team at 6-feet-3, is one of the leading rebounders in the county and has scored 241 points in 14 games for an average of 17.2. At the beginning of the season he missed two contests because of a recurring football injury.
Hobart and Krocker, who were two of the mainstrays on the Midvale team which went to the state semi-finals last year, form a formidable duo for the Blue Devils. Hobart, 6-2, is a rugged rebounder and the big man of the Blue Devil squad. He has the third highest average of the county cagers with 18.2 accumulated on 310 points in 17 games. He missed one mid-season game because of an ice-skating injury. Krocker, 5-10, was termed by one county coach as the best all-around player he has seen this year. He is a good shot, one of the better ball handlers in the county and has gained a reputation for being a real hustler. Burris was the second leading rebounder of the Strasburg team and the highest scorer. Standing 6 feet, he hit the nets for 318 points in 18 games for an average of 17.5. Bradley and Clark form the rugged Gnadenhutten combination with Clark being the sixth highest scorer in the county. He has bombarded hoops for 311 points in 20 games for a 15.5 average, having scored in double figures in every game except one. One coach cited Clark as an outstanding defensive player. Bradley, who along with Krocker are the only two bespectacled members of the All-Star squad, has an average of 17 having scored 340 points in 20 contests. He is a fine ball handler and boasts a hard-to-stop corner jump shot. Caviness is 5-11 and in 16 Tuscarawas contests scored 306 points for an average of 19.1. In recent games he was handicapped by a leg injury which cut down on his scoring total. Garaway's Stingel used a jump and hook shot in totaling 270 points in 20 games for an average of 13.5. He is one of the 6-footers on the team and on his own Garaway squad is the leading rebounder and top scorer. Over the season he has had a foul shooting percentage of 68 percent. Last, but far from least is Baltic's Huprich. At 5-7 he is the smallest man on the All-League squad, but he made up for his lack of height with a lot of hustle. A good defensive player, he also scored 312 points in 20 games for an average of 15.6. Ron also was an excellent ball handler.
Players receiving honorable mention were: Nick Haswell of Strasburg, Tom Roth of Gnadenhutten, Tom Vesco of Tuscarawas, Tom Belknap of Midvale, Richard Robinson of Tuscarawas, Ron Phillips of Port Washington, Bill Slemmer and Koran Zehnder of Garaway, Wayne Ruof of Tuscarawas Valley, John Rice of Baltic, and Harold Baker of Stone Creek.
Rod Reinhart, Stone Creek Sr. 5-10 470 20 23.5
Ben Price, Tuscarawas Valley Jr. 6-3 241 14 17.2
Russ Hobart, Midvale Sr. 6-2 310 17 18.2
Tom Krocker, Midvale Jr. 5-10 309 18 17.1
Chuck Burris,, Strasburg Sr. 6-1 315 18 17.5
Larry Clark, Gnaden Sr. 5-9 311 20 15.5
Ron Bradley, Gnaden Jr. 5-10 340 20 17.0
Gary Caviness, Tuscarawas So. 5-11 306 16 19.1
Charles Stingel, Garaway So. 6-0 270 20 13.5
Ron Huprich, Baltic Sr. 5-7 312 20 15.6
Saturday, February 22, 1958
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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