Tuesday, October 19, 2010

58 - Port Washington Graduates 16 (5-24-58)

PHOTO: Marlene Mathews - Port Washington Valedictorian For 1958
PORT WASHINGTON - Dr. P.M. Augustine of the Federated Church at East Springfield, PA will deliver the principal address next Wednesday night when commencement exercises are held at Port Washington High School. He will talk on "There Is So Much Ahead - What Will You Choose?" Dr. Augustine will be introduced by Superintendent John P. Toth Jr. who will present the Senior Class of 16 members. John Foust, vice president of the board of education, will present the diplomas. Invocation and benediction will be given by the Rev. Norman Nightengale. Other addresses will be given by Marlene Mathews, valedictorian, and Virginia Blind and Linda Taylor, co-salutatorians. Other graduates include Terry Urban, Ronald Phillips, Bonnie Loader, Don Jones, Kay and Judy Gossett, Tom Gardner, Don Ferrell, Joy Foust, Dan Decker, LeRoy Davies, Mary Bender and Jane Bailey. Baccalaureate services will be held Sunday at the high school with Rev. Glenn Rettig delivering the sermon. Invocation and benediction will be given by Rev. Dean Sauerwine.
Saturday, May 24, 1958
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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