Wednesday, May 25, 2011

61 - Port Washington Crushes Augusta 89-44 (1-30-61)

PORT WASHINGTON - Port Washington (8-7) was awaiting word today on the status of starter Tony Nigro who broke a nose in the Riders' easy triumph over Augusta Saturday.  Nigro, who played a key role in a balanced attack that steamrolled over the Vikings, had previously broken his nose and it was hoped he would be ready to return to play this week.  Led by Jim Bender and Bill Phillips, who each canned 27 points, the Purple Riders posted quarter leads of 18-6, 40-23 and 66-35.  Nigro and Alvin Fillman also had 11 points each in the attack.  The Reserve game was not reported.  The stats for the Varsity game was also not reported.

Monday, January 30, 1961
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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