Thursday, May 24, 2012

67 - On The Court With The Garaway Pirates

SUGARCREEK - If Coach Glenn Bower of Garaway's Pirates was to run a classified ad it might go something like this:  "Wanted:  1275 points."  That's what he lost through the graduation of some of the finest athletes to perform under the red, white and blue Pirate banner.  The bulk of them  were scored by Dan andreas, now a starting guard with Ohio State's Freshman basketball team.  He pumped in 508 markers to lead the Pirates to a 17-5 record.  Much of the remainder were tallied by Jim Young (265), Terry Gerber (177), Dave Andreas (171) and Don Richardson (130). 

Richardson's total doesn't count toward the 1275 mark because he's the lone returning letterman for the Bowermen.  He's a 6-foot Senior now and undoubtedly will carry much of the scoring burden for the Pirates this season as they go through what now appears to be a rebuilding campaign.  "We don't have much experience with just one letterman returning.  We don't have much height and our kids aren't very fast, so you can see we're going to have a rough time," Coach Bower commented the other day.  "Positively speaking; however, the boys are working real hard, showing a good attitude and there's definite possibilities we can work ourselves into a good season".  Bower will have a better idea how the season shapes up Saturday night after the Pirates play their 1st game at Conotton Valley.  Currently 3 boys are battling for starting guard berths.  One of them is 5-4 Sophomore Mike Gerber,  According to Bower "he looks like he's going  to be a good one before he's finished".  Working for the other guard position are:

Senior Rich Richardson 5-5
Junior Ray Hisrich 5-5

Battling for the forward positions:

Junior Error Miller 5-11
Sophomore Tim Miller 5-10

Kim Sedwick, a Sophomore and the team's tallest player at 6-1, has the inside track on  the pivot position.  But, Bower is expecting a lot of help out of Dan Hicks a 5-11 Junior.

Wednesday, November 23, 1966
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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