Tuesday, May 22, 2012

67 - Madison Brings Down Port Washington 67-52 (11-18-66)

PORT WASHINGTON - Guernsey County combination, Madison, boasting a sizeable height advantage, pinned the 1st loss of the young basketball season last night on Port Washington (1-1).  The Riders, who launched their campaign with a victory last week against the Trace Zane Indians 40-35, were defeated by the Madison invaders.  Madison struggled to leads of 11-10 and 29-22 at the 1st 2 stops, then outscored Port Washington 22-12 in the 3rd stanza to gain an insurmountable lead.  Early during the final quarter 2 Rider starters, Mike Peeper and Jeff Huston, were regulated to bench duty after getting into foul trouble.  That and a defensive lapse, plus on-target firing by the visitors, contributed to the Port Washington setback. 

Madison, which floored a starting array...with not one performer under 6 foot, was paced by Ronnie Petgen's 16 points.  Dave Lyons contributed 12 and Larry Gray and Chuck Wolfe 10 apiece.  Setting the Port Washington pace was Jerry Stephens who canned 13 markers.  Greg Bender had 12 and Tim Page 10.  Port Washington connected on 18 of 49 floor attempts for 36 percent and the invaders 27 of 63 for 43 percent.  Page led the Riders on the boards with 6 rebounds, while Wolfe pulled own 11 for the Eagles.  The Port Washington Reserves (2-0) continued their unbeaten streak downing the Madison Reserves 34-24.


Larry Gray 4-2-10
Laughman 1-0-2
Allen 0-4-4
Chuck Wolfe 5-0-10
Shugart 2-3-7
Dave Lyons 4-4-12
R. Gray 2-0-4
Ron Potgen 8-0-16
Douglas 1-0-2


Tim Page 3-4-10
Greg Bender 4-4-12
Mike Peepers 1-0-2
Jeff Huston 2-5-9
Jim Hagen 2-2-6
Jerry Stephens 6-1-13

Saturday, November 19, 1966
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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