Monday, May 28, 2012

67 - Garaway Has Newcomerstown Walk The Plank 58-40 (12-3-66)

SUGARCREEK - The Garaway Pirates (3-0) netted an easy win over the Newcomerstown Trojans (0-2) Saturday night, prepping for the big game against the Hiland Hawks next Saturday night here.  The Pirates were never to be denied victory as they jumped to a 12-8 first quarter lead.  The Trojans began moving in the 2nd quarter closing the gap to 21-18, then the Pirates man-to-man press defense proved to be disastrous and they led 26-19 at the half.  Garaway had a good night from the field hitting on 25 of 60 as compared to the 12 of 54 for the Trojans.  Both teams hit 50 percent of the free tosses.

Leading the scoring parade for the Pirates was Errol Miller with 19 and Don Richardson with 14.  Jeff Schmidt was the only man hitting double figures with 12 for Newcomerstown.  Ernie Triplett was the big man under the boards for the Trojans, pulling down 13 rebounds.  Kim Sedwick took care of the board work for the Pirates gathering in 12.  The Pirates have victories over Conotton Valley and Dover St. Joseph preceding the Trojan game.  The Trojans will be at Guernsey Catholic next Friday and at Dover St. Joseph on Saturday.

The Garaway Reserves (3-0) knocked off another victim by defeating the Newcomerstown Reserves (1-1) 36-28.


Don Richardson 7-0-14
Errol Miller 7-5-19
Kim Sedwick 0-2-2
Rich Richardson 4-0-8
Tim Miller 4-1-9
Ray Hisrich 3-0-6


Ron Hurst 1-2-4
Wit Parks 2-5-9
Calhoun 0-2-2
Jeff Schmidt 5-2-12
Bruce Widder 2-0-4
Ernie Triplett 1-3-5
DeLong 1-2-4

Monday, December 5, 1966
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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