Sunday, April 8, 2012

66 - Port Prom Is Staged On Southern Plantation (5-21-66)

Dancing outside a southern plantation are Bonnie Herbert with Bill Dummermuth and Marsha Casteel with Leonard Cameron.  Dummermuth and Miss Casteel are Seniors, Miss Herbert a Junior and Cameron a 1965 graduate.

PORT WASHINGTON - Approximately 100 couples attended the Annual Junior-Senior Prom Saturday night in the high school and danced in a southern plantation atmosphere.  A wishing well, magnolia trees and a southern plantation mural provided the setting under the starlit ceiling.  Preceding the dance, each member of the Junior and Senior class and all teachers and personnel attended a banquet in the school cafeteria.  Senior class officers are:  Keith Houser, President; John Tedrow, Vice-President; Marsha Casteel, Secretary; Mary Ann McCune, Treasurer and Bill  Dummermuth, Student Council Representative.  Leading the Junior class are:  Greg Bender, President; Tim Page, Vice-President; Bob Sauerbrey, Secretary; Jim Hagan, Treasurer and Dean Kail, Student Council Representative.  All members of the Junior class served on committees for the event, assisted by Billy Honaker and Mrs. Janis Thomas, class advisors.

Monday, May 23, 1966
The Daily Reporter
Dover, Ohio

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